Estadías Profesionales
The educational model of the UTM in its constant search for the high level of relevance of its offer of services and academic programs, implements robust strategies for linking with the public and private productive sector to contribute to the economic development and social welfare of the state.
One of our important tools is the Professional Stay process.
If you are interested in participating as a host company for students in stay, please read the information file on our linking scheme and contact the email indicated there.
Periods of stay:
- Semester January to April: Students of Engineering and Bachelor's degrees. Duration 480 hours
- Semester May to August: Students of technical careers. Duration: 525 hours.
Para más información:
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Bolsa de Trabajo
Conecta tu empresa con el talento UTM a través de nuestra Bolsa de Trabajo, puedes encontrar a los futuros profesionales que marcarán la diferencia en tu organización.
Sé parte de nuestra red de empresas aliadas y aprovecha la oportunidad de impulsar el desarrollo profesional de nuestros estudiantes mientras enriqueces tu equipo de trabajo.
999 940 6102 extensión 2000