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Mobility Exchanges and Internationalization Services UTM

The Metropolitan Technological University, located in the city of Mérida, Yucatán; is a higher education institution that arises as a response to promote and strengthen the foreseeable trends of the future, where the university community is trained and works on world scientific and technological advances that help strengthen business cooperation and education, training highly specialized professionals. Through the Training Programs in the Spanish, English or French language, it offers foreign or national students the opportunity to live an experience full of learning, culture and fun.


L'Université technologique métropolitaine, located in the city of Mérida, Yucatán; This is an establishment of supérieur evidence that stands as a response to promote and reinforce the anticipated trends of the future, or the communauté universitaire est formée et travaille sur les progrès scientifiques et technologiques mondiaux that contributes to the renewal of the cooperation and education des entreprises, in formant des professionnels hautement specialisés. Thanks to training programs in Spanish, Anglais or French, the offer of foreign students or nationaux, the possibility of living and experience pleine d'apprentissage, culture and pleasure.

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Options of Mobility Exchanges and Internationalization

Any of the options is compatible to be carried out in parallel by the same group in a hybrid way, that is, for example a Language course in addition to a cultural exchange, or an academic exchange and professional internship. The duration of the programs depends on the agreements between institutions.

Educational - Labor Discovery. Students and Teachers

Exchanges for students, updating or specialization in work areas.

The program consists of four weeks during which the participants have an introduction to the techniques of the corresponding area with other students at our university (Gastronomy, ICT, Tourism, Mechatronics, Maintenance, Fashion production ...). They also participate short stays in local companies. Small groups of maximum 10 participants.


Professional Internship. Students (TSU / Bachelor / Engineering).

Professional internships in local companies according to the area of ​​study. (2 to 6 months depending on the case). It is aimed at all levels according to the academic area of ​​the participants, from university technicians to undergraduate degrees.

Language courses. Students, Teachers, Administrative

Study or improve the level of the Spanish, English, French language.

Intensive courses, short or long duration. The courses are divided into Beginners (A1-A2), Intermediate (B1-B2) and Advanced (C1-C2) levels, allowing us to have groups with a maximum of 10 participants.

Academic Exchange. Students

Study four months or more in any of the majors offered by the UTM (TSU / Bachelor / Engineering).

The highly qualified teachers teach their classes dynamically and in small groups, obtaining in this way quick results and offering extensive attention to each student. Classes are generally in the mornings. The duration and total number of class hours is adjustable to the needs of the requesting Institution.

Investigation Exchange. Students, Teachers (TSU / Bachelor / Engineering).

Carry out collaborative projects in research stays together with our academic experts. Research work in conjunction with students and professors of the UTM.


Cultural Exchange. Students, Teachers, Administratives (TSU / Bachelor / Engineering).

Cultural immersion in our region (Cultural visits, families, gastronomy and events)

The university offers a rich range of sports, leisure and cultural activities, as well as field trips that allow students to discover the wonderful State of Yucatan and the Mayan culture. Participants also have free time to carry out the activities they want.

Accommodation. Students, Teachers, Administratives (TSU / Bachelor / Engineering).

Lodging with host families allows better development of communication skills, which is why we offer accommodation with families previously interviewed and visited to provide a greater family and safe environment. The families are very attentive and live in accessible areas of the city of Merida.

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"Elegí Yucatán después de investigaciones por internet porque no conocía México, nunca había viajado a otro continente. Lo que me llamó la atención fue la historia y la cultura maya de la península. Quería conocer las pirámides y aprender más sobre los mayas. También vi que la región ofrecía muchas ventajas como la cercanía al mar y el calor del Caribe. Me dijeron que la comida era muy buena y que la vida era muy tranquila. Por todos estos motivos, ya estaba lista para llegar a Mérida."

—  Fanny Llaneza,
Asistente de francés, Francia.


Telephone: (999) 940 61 05

Coordination of Foreign Languages ​​(Ext. 1501)

Certifications and Language Courses (Ext. 1500)

Mobility and Internationalization (Ext. 1503 and 1504)



Rectoría: 9999 40 61 00

Horario de atención de lunes a viernes de 8:30 a 16:30 horas.

Control Escolar: 9999 40 61 08 extensiones 1200, 1205 y 1207

Horario de atención de lunes a viernes de 7:00 a 19:00 horas.

Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana © All rights reserved.

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