Promoting the approach to other cultures and languages of the world.
Bringing together other cultures and languages of the world.
Promouvoir l'approche des autres cultures et langues du monde.
Exchange Programs
Academic and cultural exchange abroad
Academic and cultural exchange abroad
Echanges academiques et culturels à l'étranger
We have long sent exchange students to partner institutions around the world. Read more…
We have sent exchange students to partner institutions around the world for several years. Read more ...
Depuis plusieurs années, nous envoyons des étudiants in exchange dans des institutions partenaires du monde entier. Lire the suite ...
Incoming exchange students and staff
Incoming exchange students and staff
Étudiants et personnel d'échange entrants
We have long hosted exchange students from our partner institutions around the world, as well as welcoming members of academic and non-academic staff for teaching or training purposes.
We have long played host to exchange students from our partner institutions in the worldwide, as well as welcoming academic and non-academic staff members for teaching or training purposes. Read more ...
Nous accueillons des étudiants in exchange of our partner institutions in the world of entier, even if you are members of academic personnel and non-university to des fins d'enseignement or of formation Lire la suite ...